Office Policy and Privacy Notice (HIPPAA)
All therapeutic information is confidential. No information about you will be released without your expressed written consent.
Medical information may be released at your request, to discuss your treatment with another doctor/therapist who is treating you.
If you communicate with Evie Preston via email, full confidentiality may not be guaranteed due to the nature of the internet.
Sessions and Phone Calls
Occasional phone calls are part of the treatment process. If phone calls are excessive or lengthy, Evie Preston reserves the right to charge on a pro-rated basis.
24 hour Cancellation Policy
If you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours notice, Evie Preston reserves the right to charge for the missed appointment.
Payment for Services
Payment for services will customarily be due at the time of the session, unless separate arrangements have been made.
After hours Emergencies
You can leave messages on the office voicemail or send an email. Messages are checked regularly and Evie Preston will respond to you as timely as possible. However, outside office hours, it may take longer to return your call. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate attention, you should call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room.